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How do I complete registration?
It will take less than a minute of your time to open a personal account. Go to the registration section and enter a login name and password (make sure you write it down somewhere), along with your email address. Then you need to agree to the rules and enter the captcha code.
How do I add money to my deposit account?
To top up your deposit account, go to "Make a Deposit" in your personal dashboard. Enter the amount you want to add and choose the payment system for making the transfer. When the payment is received, your deposit balance is updated automatically. Please note that Bitcoin payments require three confirmations from the blockchain network, which means that processing may take up to half an hour.
How do I withdraw money?
To withdraw money, go to "Withdraw" in your personal dashboard and specify how much you want to take out (minimum: $0.01, maximum: the entire balance). You also need to specify the payment system where you want to receive the funds.
Can I withdraw my deposit?
The deposit is included in payouts. It can't be refunded, and it is active for an unlimited time.
Are there commission fees?
Control Finance does not charge a fee for depositing or withdrawing money, or for exchanging currencies. This is one of the main advantages of our company.
Can I add money from one payment system and withdraw money to a different payment system?
Yes, this is allowed. What's more, our company doesn't charge any commission fees for exchange transactions. You can use our built-in currency exchange at any time, for any amounts.
What market exchanges do you trade on?
Our experts only use the best cryptocurrency exchanges out of the well-established exchanges operating on the market. These include: Okcoin, BTC-e, Bitfinex, Poloniex, Bitstamp and others.
Are there any age restrictions for becoming an official representative?
Any citizen of any country who is 18 years of age or older can become an official representative.
What are the limits for withdrawals?
There is only one restriction on withdrawals: the minimum withdrawal amount is $0.01 dollar. Our company doesn't impose any other limits, and we promise not to make any changes to this policy for 6 months after the project launch.
Are there any restrictions on the frequency of transactions?
No. You can make a deposit at any time and using any available payment systems. You can also withdraw funds at any time up to the amount of your balance, if you meet the requirements of the minimum withdrawal amount.
Do I need to install any mobile apps in order to use the website?
You can use all of the features in your personal dashboard – make deposits, withdraw money, and track affiliate statistics – without needing any additional apps. The only thing you need is an internet connection.
Cryptocurrency exchange rates

The dynamics and volatility of the cryptocurrency market are consistently optimistic. Investment demand and profitability are growing steadily. This is evidence of how substantial our investment offers are.

Currency Last price Change 24h Change 7d 24h volume
Even high-yield markets cannot exist without certain risks. On the cryptocurrency market, this risk is minimal, but it does exist. For this reason, we warn our clients that in force-majeure situations, the deposit is returned minus the funds that the client has already withdrawn.
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